The true horror story of fishing is very scary, Part 2
News   11/05/2024   352

I've only done this theme once almost a decade ago and a lot of you have been asking for it since then. So the supposedly true fishing horror story is told by viewers.

Ever since I was a kid, all the older men in the family took me fishing every chance they got, it was like some kind of family ritual. I am the youngest child which means I am next in line to be an expert as they all claim the people who take this matter the most seriously are my dad and his brother, Matthew, our house is decorated just like the houses you may have seen on fishing shows. I won't go into detail but if you walked into my house you would see I would immediately be able to tell my parents spend more time on the water than on land is this really his story yes my dad is a pretty scary guy but let me tell you whenever he tells the story.

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It's as if he were someone else. He doesn't like to talk about it but often during a family gathering or a special occasion, one of my relatives will ask him to tell it and he My father's name is John. He is fishing with my uncle Matthew and their close friends. Jeff and Monty set out early before sunset. The Horizon headed to a remote spot that they all agreed was a prime fishing spot a few hours' boat ride from the nearest marina, tucked away in a secluded Cove-type area that few people bother to explore it is known for its abundant bass on the occasional Pike which begins like any other fishing trip with the boat gliding gently through the Fog Emerging from on the water people shared stories and jokes over the hum of the engine they moored the boat in a familiar cove surrounded by dense forest Monty was the first to open a beer though very early in the morning my father always told me that Monty was his wild friend.

The person tends to drink a little more than he should, they fish for hours the only sounds are the occasional splash of aurea hitting the water and their own laughter Oh and the occasional crunch of the cans empty beer which they drank like water as the day passed they had their fair share of catches each sparked a small celebration as dusk approached the light began as a thick mist rolled up from the face The water my father described as being like a boat literally being swallowed by fog. Rich, the most experienced fisherman in the group, always said that he had never seen fog so thick that it was unusual that Jeff, the clown of the group, was almost as drunk as Monty.

Both of them seemed unfazed by the fog that had trapped them as it was starting to get dark, at first they thought they could just wait for the fog to clear but it didn't seem to be getting anywhere my dad and Rich agreed that Matthew should try to steer the boat out of the cove and into the open sea where the fog would probably not be as thick as Matthew had agreed but although he was usually the most cautious he just avoided colliding with narrowly ashore, he refused to risk further damage to his precious boat, they reluctantly accepted the fact that they would probably have to spend the night on the boat my father made the point that they needed to alerted his family to the situation and of course they drifted into an area of Cove had no signal my dad needed to take care of some stuff at work so ignoring the problem was not an option he suggested going ashore to look for a signal and Rich and Jeff said they will join him.

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Matthew will stay behind to guard the boat and one other person. Monty was getting more and more drunk. Dad Jeff and Rich made their way to shore and jumped out of the boat only slightly wet. My dad tried to grab the emergency flares on the boat in case they got lost and needed to signal Matthew to come over. to find them all three of them walked into the pitch black forest lit only by the flashlights of their phones my dad and his friends had all done a lot of camping so they weren't too afraid of the forest . started walking uphill hoping that Higher Ground would give them a better chance of finding a signal my dad always emphasized that the forest was dark but as dense as the fog was, you could practically feel like they are gliding through the fog just as they are adapting to thick fog. atmosphere, a series of strange noises began to permeate the silence, first appearing right in front of them before completely surrounding them.

These sounds were unlike any jungle sounds they were familiar with, it was rhythmic but erratic as if someone was typing a code that only made sense to the jungle itself, the peculiarity of the noise has made it clear that humans have realized that they are not alone in hitting them like a freight train. Rich, the most seasoned of the trio when it came to outdoor survival whispered urgently for them to turn around. Turn off their flashlights, don't reveal our location, he hissed in a truly concerned tone. mind when the light turned off the darkness became thicker than fog, the clicking noises suddenly stopped being replaced by a silence that seemed to weigh heavily on their chests over time losing meaning as they stood there Frozen not sure of their next move I'm sure they were all thinking the same thing the idea that they might have stumbled upon some secret Gathering or a cult in the Forest was terrifying Just as suddenly as it stopped the silence was broken by rustling noises.

This time it was much closer and then there was silence again and then a hoarse scream echoed through the trees, a sound so primal and full of pain that it left them rooted to the spot before they could process what was happening. going on. the forest advanced towards them the three men turned back the way they had acted out of fear and pure Instinct my father fired his flare gun behind them the flames cut through the fog lighting up the forest for a moment the forest was clear as day and The sight that met their eyes was horrifying illuminated by the red light of the Flame was a group of over 10 people dressed in what could only be described as tribal attire, some Some of them brandished wooden spears, but the light from the fire only lasted for a moment. second Jeff screamed and almost stumbled but Rich quickly grabbed his arm to keep him upright my dad described this part as the purest feeling of Terror he had ever experienced the forest seemed fighting against them as they fled, ducking under branches and leaping over Roots by some miracle, they emerged from the tree line, panting and disoriented but still alive.

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They shouted for Matthew to start the engine, the urgency in their voices left no room for asking Matthew to comply immediately and the boat rushed forward just as their pursuers reached the shore in the chaos. my dad shot the last flare into the air towards the shore for a split second as the flare's light penetrated the fog they saw their pursuers at the water's edge there must have been at least 15 people in Some of them just stood motionless at the water's edge, the edge of the flare light fading away and the sky becoming dark again. Matthew managed to stay a safe distance away and stopped the boat again after the engine shut off, the only sounds were Jeff, my dad and Rich's breathing, my dad said he couldn't process what had happened go out. went on for almost an hour, he operated on pure adrenaline and survival instinct, eventually they took turns keeping watch while the others slept and left in the morning as soon as the fog cleared go humorously. Monty was unconscious before everything went down and no I don't remember any details of that night. I still shudder when I tell this story. I can only imagine how my dad would feel thinking back.

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